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Monday 8 February 2016

Having a Positive Mind

We all have an angel and a devil within us, but the problem begins when the devil overpowers the angel. In the world of stress, fear and anxiety, having a positive mind is a real blessing.  Our thoughts and mental attitude can directly affect our health, so having a positive mind is not merely important but a necessity!

I have met many people complaining about having a bad life, I wonder how hopeless and impatient we all have become, just a mishap takes place and we tag our lives as bad. We blame God, we blame luck and at the end, we give up and turn a temporary failure to a permanent one. I know we cannot avoid mishaps or hold a complete control over our life, but we can have a positive hope. A person is not completely finished until he has hope. It can make a person try again, in spite of all the failures he has faced. 

The first step towards having a positive mind is, surrounding yourself with positive people because energies are contagious, so make sure you are hanging around with the right people. Choose people who inspire you and push you towards making of a better person.

Meditate or do yoga, I know you have a hectic life, but  your soul too needs your attention. This will not only make you relax your mind but also keep you away from depression. Meditation will grow your concentration limit and will make you accept your life with greater zest. 

Engage yourself in spiritual world and devotional service; according to the verse 50 of chapter 2 in Bhagavad Gita, a person captive of spiritual interest can get rid of both negative and positive reactions in his very life. Such person a can therefore be diligent in the science of uniting individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness. 

Believe in yourself, every one of us has flaws, but that’s okay, do not make your flaws dominate or become your obstacle. You are the best version of yourself, be grateful for what you have, embrace your beauty and flaws. Everything you had been looking for is here! Do not let the negative vibes dust over your dreams, best things start when you accept life with positivity. Remind yourself that you CAN, and you will be halfway there.

The journey of life is never easy, but all I have learnt is ‘nothing that’s worthwhile is ever easy. Remember that.’ I begin to realize my worth after having a positive mind. I feel more powerful than ever, I realised having less regrets and complaints and celebrating more love and happiness. I have seen my life changing Drastically.

‘All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything, what we think we become’ is aptly said by Lord Buddha.

Positive and optimistic people can deal  with their problems better and tend to have healthier lifestyles. So always make sure you keep smiling and making the best of your life. Always choose happiness and positivity, because life has no guarantee, neither everyone wakes up every morning, nor everyone gets to go to bed every night. Every moment you are living is a blessing, so always find time for things that make you feel happy.



  1. Very positive and hopeful writing. Everyone's life consist of SWOT
    means strength, weakness, opportunity and threat .positive thinking thinking people convet their weaknesses to strength and threat to opportunity
    Good luck

  2. Very positive and hopeful writing. Everyone's life consist of SWOT
    means strength, weakness, opportunity and threat .positive thinking thinking people convet their weaknesses to strength and threat to opportunity
    Good luck

  3. Great writeup. Our conscience is the third umpire in the competition between Angel mind and Evil mind. Important is whom it allows to win.

  4. Great writeup. Our conscience is the third umpire in the competition between Angel mind and Evil mind. Important is whom it allows to win.

  5. Oh wow..this is awesome! Keep writing.

  6. Positiveness is necessity..great! I really enjoyed reading it.
